
Work Package Leaders

Kresten YvindGrowth of semiconductor quantum dots and their characterisation using high resolution nanoscopy. Fabrication of membrane structures with photonic crystal waveguides and cavities

Jesper MørkExperimental characterisation of pulse propagation in photonic crystal structures and ultrafast dynamics in quantum dots based on femtosecond lasers

Martijn WubsTheory and modelling of light-matter interaction and pulse propagation in passive photonic crystal structures and waveguides incorporating quantum dots

Ole SigmundTopology optimization of nanophotonic structures incorporating the effects of nonlinearities and fabrication uncertainties

Leif Katsuo OxenløweFundamental investigations of terabit systems based on nanostructures, with special emphasis on the identification of (quantum) noise limitations and information capacity


Susanne Knudsen Kolodziejczyk

Centre Head

Jesper Mørk
Head of Section, Professor
DTU Electro
+45 45 25 57 65

Deputy Head

Kresten Yvind
Group Leader, Professor
DTU Electro
+45 45 25 63 66